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Family Genus Specific epithet Specific authority Infraspecific category
2C mean1(pg) 2C mean1(mbp) 2C range1 pg
Chromosome number (2n) Ploidy level
Number of 5S signals Range of 5S signals Position2 of 5S signals (5S P)
Number of 45S3 signals Range of 45S signals Position2 of 45S signals (45S P) Arrangement
Autosome or sex chromosome 5S chrom. type
Sex chrom. number 45S chrom. type
B chromosomes Ag-NOR
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1 source: Animal genome size database (
2 position refers to interstitial, pericentromeric, distal or occupying whole chromosome arm
3 refers to 45S rDNA (18S-5.8S-26S rRNA genes)


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Animal rDNA Database